
Citations and resources used in the white paper.

  1. Internet Computer. (Sept 2023). Internet Computer.

  2. Internet Computer Foundation. (Sept 2023). Internet Computer Foundation.

  3. WebAssembly. (Sept 2023). WebAssembly.

  4. Canisters. (Sept 2023). Canisters.

  5. Tokenomics. (Sept 2023). Tokenomics.

  6. ELNA Twitter. (Sept 2023). ELNA Twitter.

  7. ELNA Forum Post on Dfinity. (Aug 2023). ELNA Forum Post.

  8. ELNA Forum Post on Dfinity . (Aug 2023). Behind the Scenes.

Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of references and resources. The ELNA team continuously engages with a wide range of sources, including technical documentation, community discussions, and emerging industry standards, to inform the development and principles of the ELNA platform.

Last updated